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The Knox County Public Schools are very excited to announce that all applications will be accepted using this new application system.

To begin a new application, choose a job from the available listings below. Click on the Apply button to review the job description. If you would like to submit an application for the position please click on the Apply for this Position button. This will allow you to fill out all of the application information. After your information is complete, you will receive a confirmation number, and your information will be saved allowing you to return at any time to submit additional applications.

Please be sure and remember your username and password for use on future applications. Once you submit an application for a specific position, you cannot make any changes to that application. Changes MAY be made to your profile (name/contact information).

To begin a new application, choose a job from the available listings below. After your information is complete, you will receive a confirmation number, and your information will be saved allowing you to return at any time to submit additional applications.

Prior to being hired as a substitute, candidates for employment are required to visit the Central Office for a new hire packet. Your application as a substitute will not be considered complete until a background check and drug screening is received. This information can be obtained Monday - Friday, 8am to 4pm, at 200 Daniel Boone Drive, Barbourville, KY.
Job Listings
Type any part of the Job Title, Job Type, or Job Location to Search
Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
Knox County Middle School Boys Baseball Head Coach01/16/2025CoachingKnox County Middle SchoolApply
Knox Middle School Boys Soccer Head Coach01/16/2025CoachingKnox County Middle SchoolApply
Lynn Camp Middle School Girls Softball Head Coach01/15/2025CoachingLynn Camp Middle SchoolApply
Lynn Camp High School 6 Hour Cook/Baker01/15/2025Food ServiceLynn Camp High SchoolApply
Itinerant Exceptional Child Instructional Assistant 1 at Girdler Elementary12/18/2024SupportGirdler ElementaryApply
LCHS Custodian12/05/2024CustodianLynn Camp High SchoolApply
Lynn Camp High School 6 Hour Cook/Baker11/08/2024Food ServiceLynn Camp High SchoolApply
Itinerant Exceptional Child Instructional Assistant 1 at Flat Lick09/20/2024SupportFlat Lick ElementaryApply
Future Substitute Cook/Baker Positions12/02/2013Food ServiceDistrict WideApply
Future Substitute Bus Monitor Positions12/02/2013TransportationKnox County Bus GarageApply
Future Substitute Custodian Positions12/02/2013SubstituteDistrict WideApply
Future Substitute Instructional Assistant Positions12/02/2013SubstituteDistrict WideApply
Future Substitute Bus Driver Positions12/02/2013TransportationDistrict WideApply
Future Substitute Teacher Positions12/02/2013SubstituteDistrict WideApply